Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Do you like butter?

The other day, I was sitting in a room full of people, and I took a flower and held it under Maria's chin and said "Do you like butter?", assuming that everyone else used to do this with buttercups when they were kids. Assumption incorrect. Blank and confused stares all around. "You know, you hold a buttercup under someone's chin and say 'Do you like butter?' and if you see a reflection then the answer is yes?" No one had any idea what I was talking about. I continued to explain another game we used to play with flowers, dandelions specifically, where you sing "Mama had a baby and its head popped off" then use your thumb to flick the yellow part off the dandelion stem. Now everyone was looking at me like I was completely nuts. I thought everyone played these bizarre flower games when they were kids. I couldn't have been the only one.


tara d. said...

totally did it! and i still would (take that maria!). also, off the "make a wish" topic of my blog, we also made wishes on dandelions when they turned into those puffs. know what i mean?

eileen said...

Phew! I knew it couldn't have been just me. and i wished on those puffy seeded dandelions as well.

Anonymous said...

Those tricks were also popular on long island. I think that you should've been giving THEM the weird look for not knowing what you were talking about.

Anonymous said...

I have definitely played the dandelion one, but not the "butter" one. That may be b/c I don't know what a buttercup is. Anyone?? I'm not good with flowers and other such girlie things...