Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Song of the day

This morning, I was setting up for a rather tedious and dull experiment, and tuned in to KEXP online.

Suddenly, the sweet sounds of 80s retro pop emerged from my speakers, and made me oh so happy!

Mp3: Age of Consent, New Order

That and a second cup of coffee put me in a fantastic mood. No, it doesn't take much.


J.R. said...

The corollary here being that there are other experiments which are engaging and fascinating??

eileen said...

But not all experiments involve harvesting 160 fractions...manually.


KcM said...

Speaking of rather tedious and dull experiments, probably my favorite aspect of Sofia Coppola's so-so Marie Antoinette was its fusing of Royalist decadence with the New Wave. New Order, indeed.